Australia’s Premier MILSIM Unit
Formed in 2013, Special Operations Command (SOCOMD) is the longest running, Australian Special Forces based, Arma 3 MILSIM Unit. We specialise in combined arms operations and tactics with some good old Aussie banter thrown in as well.

Always Evolving
Although we’ve been around for over a decade, we are always looking to evolve and improve our gameplay, mods and structure to fit with our play style.

Structured MILSIM
We operate at a Company level in operations with a robust, tested structure to make every mission as enjoyable as possible for all of our members, no matter where they play. For information on our in-game structure, head to the “Structure” page or click here.

Always Active
Whether it’s combined arms MILSIM, small unit tactics or just a chilled out environment that you are looking for, we are consistently running events and operations on most evenings of the week.

If you feel like we are the right fit for you, head over to our Applications page and fill out the form to join us.
Be advised, SOCOMD is an 18+ community. Applicant’s aged 17 or lower will not be accepted.